Friday, September 14, 2012

It actually hasn't been that hot in Ghana

Okay, this is going to take some getting used to.  I need to figure out how to disable public access to my blog before I post much.  But, for starters, I'll leave it at I'm hungry a lot and our place needs some sprucing up so to speak.  Although, we do have very cute goats that hang out on our front steps.  And I finally have internet access and it's not dial up!


  1. Hmmmm.... My curiosity has been aroused. Would love a sample menu of a typical day; if such a thing does in fact exist.

    Loving this blog cuz. XO Jan

  2. Hey Jan, you apparently got onto the blog; great! Is it a pain in the ass this way or doable?

    Well, I am figuring out some things to eat. The typical diet consists of a ton of fried starchy, super spicy foods with very little protein (which is why I was getting hungry pretty fast). So, we eat hardboiled eggs (minus the yolks) and we got some peanuts, cheese and milk in Kumasi (but that was a day long event and they don't sell the last three items in kintampo). So trying to ration things a bit. Refrigeration isn't too big around here, so I'm becoming an accidental vegetarian. It was pretty tough to see a pile of fish out in the sun literally covered with hundreds of flies only to come home to fish for dinner (and it's served whole). I just couldn't eat that night. Hopefully the memory will fade though b/c options are limited. There are plenty of bananas, mangoes, pineapples, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers!

    1. Fruit sounds delicious and plentiful! Definitely would be turned off by the fish incident, but it sounds like your working out a menu that may work for you and Steve. As I remember, you have never done well with fried, spicy and starch to begin with!

      How are things at the hospital for Steve? Have you heard anything about your role whether it will be in the school or counseling center? How are you doing/feeling overall?

    2. Vegetarian diet sounds like a relatively safe bet! Curious if there is an actual food (grocery style) store, or primarily open air markets or food sellers? Good luck, it sounds like you're figuring out how to create a balanced diet w/ limited options.
