Thursday, November 1, 2012


Hey there!  I'm in Accra for the week (Steve is at the African Emergency Medicine Conference).  I had my first hot shower in two months, not to mention one that I could actually stand upright in; it's been tremendous!  It's going to be tough going back to Kintampo.

So, update on Kintampo:  I started working at the psychosocial center at the college and, of all things, they are trying to start a clinic for kids who are struggling with their learning and/or present with other concerns at school.  So, since I'm a school psychologist, I sort of hit the jackpot there insofar as professional relevance.  And, I'm also still volunteering at the local public school.

It's probably a good thing that I haven't posted for a while because I go through incredibly discouraged periods and who really wants to hear that.  Case in point, as excited as I was to finally connect with the college/clinic and to learn about the program they want to develop, I'm not sure what exactly they can do in the absence of any resources whatsoever (we're talking the kids/schools have no books and the town library is comprised of about twelve).  Anyway, I'm learning to take a big step back and think in terms of baby steps; otherwise, the sadness and the overwhelmingness of it all can leave you paralyzed.  So, on a positive note, I do have a few ideas and will keep you posted regarding how that goes!

And, I've had requests for more pictures so will try to take advantage of the free wifi in Acrra and get some posted.  Uploading from my home in Kintampo is incredibly slow and uses too much of my data (we have a cellular data plan of sorts).

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations of finding rewarding opportunities to help others in a place which has poverty & a very limited number of opportunity for its residents. I'm glad u had a hot shower, that must be such a luxury! It doesn't sound like an easy place to cope with, but I know you have your heart in it so doing the best you can. Good luck & look forward to hearing from you again!
